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A brand new beginning...
► Sunday, January 2, 2011 | 5:26 PM

2011 has finally arrived. I am looking forward to this year perhaps because of the immense stress faced in school.. Sometimes, I can't take this stress from projects, homework etc. But having said that, i had already passed through it... Supposed to have school today but SDL cancelled everything and thus, started blogging:) This christmas and new year had been the most memorable events of my life:) I love those crappy times with cousins and also sense the family love around with my cousins... For once, i had found the direction of my life.... I really miss them now. Although I would be seeing them in one month's time, but still i wish that time would just stop even for a day... just to spend more time with my awesome cousins. Tmr is my first day of school. I am having so much feelings of trepidation... I just hope that I won't dread this term. Btw, i had just bought a new school bag from 77th street with my cousins and I shall use it tmr:) So, cya guys;D

Merry Christmas:)
► Sunday, December 26, 2010 | 6:31 PM

Hahaha hello guys:) Had been celebrating Christmas with my awesome cousins:) On eve, we went to ION orchard to take lots of photos but my sis accidentally deleted them all away..:( Damn sad can... Then we had lots of fun on Christmas Day and we went to Marina Square to shop and played arcade!! Hahha!! I emerged as champion lor.. I feel damn awesome:) Then went to bowling and I got first place leh:) Score of 139 pts leh!! Hahhaha:) And later going to Sentosa later:) I really cherish and love this year's Christmas:) I love my cousins:))))) By the way, i changed my blog song:) I found this amazing song in audition:) Hhahaha this song is so nice and peaceful:) Hahaha Merry Christmas Everyone:)

► Tuesday, December 21, 2010 | 4:41 AM

Yeah yesterday had lots of fun together with my secondary school friends:))) Hahahaha!! Although did not talk much to some of them but others... HAHAHA!! Accompanied Celine to buy Christmas present and then reached Josiah's house at about 6.. Then went to the clubhouse and played pool and chat with friends:))) Hahaha!~! Didn't took much photos though... Then went off by exchanging presents with each other... Hahhaha!! My present was taken by Wen Cong.. LOL!! Then went to Mac to stone with Michelle and Celine and then after that, Celine's Dad drove us home:)) Yipee!! Luckily i did not have to wait for the bus:) Then went home and was too late so just slept till the next morning:)) Hope there's a class chalet during the March Holidays:)))))

Nearly there.
► Monday, December 13, 2010 | 4:12 PM

Hi guys!! I am very happy today as today marks the day of my last term test for the term and tmr would be officially declared as my holidays till 2 Jan!! So happy!! Hhahahhaa!! Although yesterday was sad because of physio psych but luckily, friends were there and encouraged for me:))) Hhahaha!! So buck up and ready for Per Cog.... Right now I should be reading about long term memory and I am still blogging here.. Haiz.. Yesterday did RMA notes till 12 plus and today woke up at 5 to memorise per cog.... Screwing up my biological clock..:((((( I shall revert back to my clock once my holidays have come.. Sigh my cousins are going to Genting Highlands today:((( I also wanna go!!! But term tests are blocking my way.... Never mind.. I guess there shall be next time:D But for now.... Focus on Per Cog and RMA!!! Keep fighting:DDDDDD

Don't Ever Look Back
► Friday, December 10, 2010 | 3:42 PM

Yeah Finally the darkest period has finally been over.. Ethnics and Per Cog Assignment seriously made my life to be so complicated... Haiz.. But i am glad that I made it through:) If not for my friends' encouragement, I wouldn't have pulled through this week... Xie Xie Ni Men:))))) Just a few more hours to my Marketing Class Test... Damn nervous right now...Didn't studied much about it...:(((( Hope can get an A for this class test as it weighs 30% of the overall marketing assessment....Haiz:( I shall be more optimistic and believe in myself that I can do it:))) Yeah^^ Shall study for now:) Bye Readers:D

Barely Alive
► Thursday, December 9, 2010 | 5:36 PM

These few days have been damn tiring to pass through...Homework and projects come falling through your way... Haiz everyone seems to be in such a bad mood.... Flaring at others over the most silliest things ever. On a brighter note, my secondary class is going to organise a BBQ party soon^^ Damn happy:)) It has been a long time since I last met them... I can still remember vividly the wondrous times that we have spent toGEther:)) AWESOME MUCH^^ Hahaha!! Marketing Test tmr... Damn nervous.. PerCog not done and also the group ethnics are also due today.. I am so dead... HAIZ.. I wanna escape from all these... Like now...:(

Stars falling down~
► Friday, December 3, 2010 | 7:16 AM

Hello guys!! It has been a long time since i blogged already.. Hahaha!! Really not in the mood to blog nowadays.. And on top of that term tests are coming right up.. So I might be on the com more often though... Haiz hope I can manage to pull through this well >.< Haiz.. I/O class test is just around the corner and I have only just memorised only chapter 1 :((( Damn sad.. But nvm, I shall abstain for computer for the whole day.. Hope I can do it....Hahaha!! Oh yah, finally the photos are already uploaded on facebook!! Hahaha! Actually it was long time ago but nvm, haha:))))) Okay so cya my readers:))))